Wise reduction of EPS marine litter in the North-East Atlantic Ocean

Wise reduction of EPS marine litter in the North-East Atlantic Ocean



OceanWise aims to develop long-term measures to reduce the impact of EPS in the Atlantic Ocean. Based on resource-efficiency participatory methods and circular economy principles, OceanWise will generate new and best practice within sectors considering the use, manufacturing, recycling and uptake of foamed polystyrene. We will be working together with people who produce EPS and XPS, who design products that use these materials, people who need them in their industries, who manage EPS and XPS waste, and people who buy goods with EPS and XPS. We need all the stakeholders and to address the entire life cycle of foamed polystyrene products to reduce its leakage to the oceans. Our team comprises 13 partners from 5 Atlantic Area countries – Portugal, Ireland, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. Driven by the EU-Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the OSPAR Convention’s Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter, our goal is to present the best solutions and results to drive more sustainable policies and best practices until 2020.


Belem statement areas
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Time frame
2018 - 2020


Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais