The “Digital Technologies for Marine Biodiversity Data Handling in East Africa – Data Linking People (NeDiT)” project is a collaborative effort of the Institute for Marine Sciences on Zanzibar, Tanzania and the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. It aims to support the use of new and innovative digital technologies for policy-making in marine resource management in Eastern Africa. The overall objective is to contribute to improved handling of biodiversity data in East Africa, which includes providing and assessing data as well as communicating data. A focus of the project is on integrating data and raising the awareness and capacities for the exchange of data building on the existing experiences. The NeDiT project is part of the MeerWissen initiative, which was launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This initiative seeks to give policy-makers the information they need to take knowledge-based decisions for the effective management and conservation of Africa’s ocean and coasts.