The centre aims to gather information about the three oceans around southern Africa, to better understand and deal with global change across the continent. The following are aims of the centre: 1) The generation of joint research and development activities between scientists and students from the partner institutions and the Nansen Group. 2) The exchange of visiting scientists and students between the participating institutions. 3) Co-supervision of post-graduate students. 4) Coordinating and facilitating joint project proposals to be submitted for funding through national, EU and international bodies. 5) Technical development, infrastructure and support for pre-operational production and demonstration of information and services. 6) Developing capacity through joint courses, workshops, training and research schools. 7) Ensuring integration with other operational oceanography components in Africa. 8) Ensuring open and free access to the centre’s resources, data, products and achievements. 9) Cooperation in the fields of distance educational courses and research programmes. 10) Joint participation in field campaigns. 11) The stimulation of international collaboration and activities such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), CLIVAR, the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GOADAE) and the sustainable Marine Core Service (e.g. MyOcean). 12) Outreach, including development of a web page, public interface with research, media and the involvement of stakeholders and users.