The COLUMBUS project intends to capitalise on the European Commission’s significant investment in marine and maritime research by ensuring accessibility and uptake of research Knowledge Outputs by end-users: policy, industry, science and wider society. COLUMBUS will ensure measurable value creation from research investments contributing to sustainable Blue Growth within the timeframe of the project. Outputs from Knowledge Transfer activity: A) Use and sharing of marine observatuons and data by industry: Good practice guide; B) Maritime Sensor Technologies for the European Market: Research, Development and Implementation: Good practice guide; C) Relevant knowledge gathered in the framework of COLUMBUS project to address MSFD-Descriptor 11. Energy including Underwater Noise
This was produced within the COLUMBUS Marine Governance and Management Competence Node to facilitate the understanding of available knowledge for assessment and monitoring of underwater noise as considered in Descriptor 11 of the MSFD. This might benefit MSFD operational performers and competent authorities in Member States responsible for the implementation of Descriptor 11.