Improving maritime safety and pollution response through technology transfer, training & innovation

Improving maritime safety and pollution response through technology transfer, training & innovation



Built on the knowledge and outcomes developed by ARCOPOL project (2009-2011), ARCOPOLplus aims to further reinforce maritime safety in the Atlantic area by improving the regional preparedness and response to oil and HNS. ARCOPOLplus’ activities have been conceived focussing on technology transfer, training and innovation. On the one hand, ARCOPOL outputs will be upgraded and implemented through pilot actions and training activities in which key stakeholders from different regions will be involved. On the other hand, several gaps identified in the HNS knowledge will be addressed and further incorporated into local and regional contingency planning to contribute to build a reasonable and efficient response. Innovative tracking, forecasting and decision support tools will be adapted to the needs of local and regional authorities that will be trained on their application. Moreover, ARCOPOLplus will reinforce the existing Atlantic network of expertise in oil and HNS preparedness and response by promoting a higher involvement of the industry and key stakeholders, by developing innovative educational materials and by compiling and integrating relevant information.


Belem statement areas
Emerging Pollutants
Time frame
2012 - 2013


Marisa Fernandez Cañamero
Centro Tecnológico del Mar