Food for the Future – Research focus I – Organisms

Food for the Future – Research focus I – Organisms



The project `Food for the Future´ (F4F) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), within the strategic funding-line `Agricultural Systems of the Future´ seeks innovation to meet imminent global nourishment challenges. Along this mission, ZMT is part of an interdisciplinary consortium that explores the potential of novel food resources (e.g. algae, jellyfish and insects), new technologies (e.g. lightweight design and UV-LEDs) for urban food production and scenarios of institutional change, to achieve more sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). Under the F4F framework, ZMT focuses on marine food resources and contributes two lines of research namely : (1) institutional evolutions in aquatic food production, and (2) the culture of lower trophic level jellyfish as an alternative resource for more efficient protein supply. The first component is co-implemented by the Work Group Institutional and Behavioural Economics and the Work Group Development and Knowledge Sociology; while the second component is implemented by the Work Group Ecophysiology and Experimental Aquaculture. Importantly, we engage with actors in the tropics which is an important area of intensification in marine and aquatic food production.


Belem statement areas
Ocean Resources
Time frame
2019 - 2024


Andreas Kunzmann
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research