The European Climate Assessment & Dataset project (ECA&D) presents information on changes in weather and climate extremes, as well as the daily dataset needed to monitor and analyse these extremes. Currently ECA&D is receiving data from 79 participants for 65 countries and the ECA dataset contains 74206 series of observations for 13 elements at 20181 meteorological stations throughout Europe and the Mediterranean (see Daily data > Data dictionary). 75% of these daily series can be downloaded from this website for non-commercial research and education. Participation to ECA&D is open to anyone maintaining daily station data. ECA&D forms the backbone of the climate data node in the Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for WMO Region VI (Europe and the Middle East) since 2010. The data and information products contribute to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). ECA&D has close links with the following projects and initiatives: EUSTACE; INDECIS; Copernicus/C3S; Meteoalarm; International Surface Temperature Initiative; UERRA; EURO4M; ENSEMBLES; MILLENNIUM; ACRE; ETCCDI; EEA; AOPC; PORIAS; CHARMe. Joint research projects exist between ECA&D and the following institutes or initiatives: MEDARE Initiative; ETH; JRC; SMHI.