Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) project supplies high-quality tools & services in support of earth system documentation creation, analysis and dissemination. The Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) project aims to nurture an eco-system of tools & services in support of Earth System documentation creation, analysis and dissemination. Such an eco-system enables the scientific community to better understand & utilize Earth system model data. ES-DOC is coordinated with other community efforts such as CMIP and ESGF via the World Climate Research Programme work group on Climate Modelling (WGCM) and its Infrastructure Panel (WIP). ES-DOC sprang from founding Metafor & Earth System Curator projects. Metafor was sponsored by the European Network for Earth System Modelling whilst Earth System Curator was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). More recently ES-DOC has been sponsored by the G8 funded EX-ARCH project and is now mainly sponsored by the European IS-ENES3 project and NOAA as a reflection of the growing understanding that very large scale dataset archives require a high quality documentation eco-system.