Climate change impacts on the Marine Environment of the North Atlantic

Climate change impacts on the Marine Environment of the North Atlantic



A better understanding of the marine climate in the present and of possible modifications in the future is indispensable for numerous marine and coastal activities, ranging from the optimization of ship routes, to storm risk assessment, to the design of maritime structures and the assessment of energy resources.The main objective of the CLIMENA project is to study the impacts of climate change on the wind and wave climate of the North Atlantic, with special focus on the coast of the Iberian Peninsula. This project is a follow-up of the CLIBECO project and aims to complete the work initiated therein, extending the simulations, evaluating the changes in different spatiotemporal scales, relating the wave climate with large-scale atmospheric regimes and finally evaluating the impacts of climate change on the marine environment in different areas such as ship design criteria based on the North Atlantic climate, the evolution of ship consumption in the Atlantic routes and the wind and wave energy available on the Iberian coast.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Time frame
2018 - 2021


Mariana Bernardino
Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering